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Azure & DevOps Podcast

Message from Jeffrey Palermo: Howdy.  Welcome to my podcast.  I hope it helps you ship software more quickly and more reliably. Through the topics and guests, I hope your life is made easier. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you.

Podcast sponsor: Clear Measure We are a software architecture company that empowers our client's development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence.

Mar 11, 2024

Rockford Lhotka is VP of Strategy at Xebia and Chief Software Architect at Marimer LLC. He is the creator of the open-source CSLA .NET development framework, the author of numerous books, and regularly speaks at major conferences around the world. Rockford is a member of the Microsoft Regional Director and...

Sep 12, 2022

Rockford Lhotka is the creator of the widely used CSLA .NET open-source development framework. He is the author of numerous books and regularly speaks at major conferences around the world. Rockford is a Microsoft Regional Director and MVP. He is co-chair of Visual Studio Live!, and the chair of the Cloud & Containers...

Jan 18, 2021

Charles Flatt is joining the podcast today! He has been a software developer since 1994 and has helped over a dozen organizations succeed on over fifty projects, both small and large. Charles has an unusual breadth of business and personal experience from foodservice and retail to music, business management, hardware...

Apr 22, 2019

Today’s guest is Rockford Lhotka. Rocky is an open source architect, professional author, speaker, Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, and avid outdoorsman! He’s written numerous books on Visual Basic, C#, and CSLA .NET; and regularly speaks at major technical events.


Rocky has been a mover and shaker in this...