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Azure & DevOps Podcast

Message from Jeffrey Palermo: Howdy.  Welcome to my podcast.  I hope it helps you ship software more quickly and more reliably. Through the topics and guests, I hope your life is made easier. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you.

Podcast sponsor: Clear Measure We are a software architecture company that empowers our client's development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence.

Aug 29, 2022

Mathias Brandewinder enjoys solving challenging business problems with software engineering and applied mathematics techniques, and some creativity. His current focus is on functional programming with F#, machine learning, and data science, and on putting them together to help companies make smarter decisions with their data. He loves teaching and mentoring, and is a regular speaker at conferences and community events all over the world. A former Microsoft F# MVP, he holds an MS in Operations Research from Stanford, an MS in Economics from University of Paris X, and an MBA from ESSEC.


Topics of Discussion:

[3:15] Mathias talks about how his love of math got him into programming.

[5:57] Mathias discusses what intrigued him about F# and the scripting environment.

[6:29] What about when a computer’s version of a number doesn’t really line up with the math version of a number?

[11:51] What issues does F# help more than C#?

[15:22] What is Mathias’s favorite charting component for .NET?

[18:27] What inspired Mathias to write his book, Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers, and is there a new book on the horizon?

[20:09] Mathias is here to say math can be genuinely fun!

[24:03] Jupiter appears to be an on-the-fly evaluator of code that runs on a server somewhere through the browser.

[29:13] What other math-related libraries should we be aware of, and what are some other resources we can check out?


Mentioned in this Episode:

Architect Tips — New video podcast!

Azure DevOps

Clear Measure (Sponsor)

.NET DevOps for Azure: A Developer’s Guide to DevOps Architecture the Right Way, by Jeffrey Palermo — Available on Amazon!

Jeffrey Palermo’s YouTube

Jeffrey Palermo’s Twitter Follow to stay informed about future events!

Programming with Palermo

Mathias Brandewinder Website

Mathias Brandewinder Bio

Five obscure charting tips with Plotly.NET

Machine Learning Projects for .NET Developers


Math.Net Numerics


Get Started with OR-Tools for C#


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