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Azure DevOps Podcast

Message from Jeffrey Palermo: Howdy.  Welcome to my podcast.  I hope it helps you ship software more quickly and more reliably. Through the topics and guests, I hope your life is made easier. Let me know what topics would be helpful for you.

Podcast sponsor: Clear Measure We are a software architecture company that empowers our client's development teams to be self-sufficient: moving fast, delivering quality, and running their systems with confidence.

Sep 28, 2020

This podcast episode is sponsored by — a platform that radically simplifies end-to-end network automation through open-source, intent-based orchestration. Automate Ansible, Terraform, and Kubernetes to your Azure and private cloud directly from your .net visual studio environments natively within no additional heavy lifting.


Chrissy LeMaire is joining Jeffrey today on The Azure DevOps Podcast! 


Chrissy is a Cloud and Datacenter Management and Data Platform MVP who has worked in IT for over 20 years. She is the creator of the popular SQL PowerShell module, dbatools; holds a master's degree in Systems Engineering; and is co-author of Learn dbatools in a Month of Lunches. Chrissy also livestreams on her Twitch channel, potatoqualitee, where she shares the process of writing dbatools and more.


In this episode, Chrissy speaks about PowerShell’s applicability, IRC and scripting, sponsorships and monetizing on GitHub, her journey with creating dbatools, and much, much more!


Topics of Discussion:

[:38] Be sure to visit AzureDevOps.Show for past episodes and show notes.

[:46] About The Azure DevOps Podcast and Jeffrey’s offer to speak at virtual user groups.

[1:26] About this episode’s sponsor:

[1:52] About today’s episode with Chrissy LeMaire.

[2:20] Jeffrey welcomes Chrissy to the podcast.

[2:25] About Chrissy’s Twitch channel, potatoqualitee.

[3:28] Chrissy shares her enthusiasm for Manning Publications.

[4:22] About Chrissy’s book, Learn dbatools in a Month of Lunches, and where to obtain a copy for yourself!

[5:47] Chrissy shares about her journey with scripting up to the creation of dbatools.

[10:06] Where to find dbatools online.

[10:29] How Jeffrey and Chrissy first became acquainted.

[12:11] Briefly discussing how SDP is suiting up to become the full replacement for VPN.

[12:52] How did Chrissy’s background with PowerShell, IRC, and scripting influence her approach with dbatools?

[14:39] Chrissy gives the lowdown of testing with dbatools.

[19:24] Is it easy to migrate to SQL Azure with dbatools?

[21:02] A word from Azure DevOps Podcast’s sponsor: Clear Measure.

[21:32] Chrissy and Jeffrey discuss the opportunities for automation.

[23:57] Chrissy speaks about being GitHub Star and what that means.

[26:18] How GitHub has expanded over the years with monetization and sponsorship capabilities. Chrissy shares her experience and recommendations with these.

[30:37] About Chrissy’s various social channels and what you can expect at each!

[34:00] Chrissy gives some final recommendations and final pieces of information about PowerShell.

[35:05] Jeffrey thanks Chrissy for joining the podcast!


Mentioned in this Episode: — Today’s sponsor!

Azure DevOps

Clear Measure (Sponsor)

.NET DevOps for Azure: A Developer's Guide to DevOps Architecture the Right Way, by Jeffrey Palermo — Available on Amazon! — Click here to download the .NET DevOps for Azure ebook!

Jeffrey Palermo’s Youtube

Jeffrey Palermo’s Twitter Follow to stay informed about future events!

The Azure DevOps Podcast’s Twitter: @AzureDevOpsShow


Chrissy LeMaire’s LinkedIn

Chrissy LeMaire’s Twitter @CL

Chrissy LeMaire on GitHub @potatoqualitee

Chrissy’s Twitch Channel @potatoqualitee

Chrissy LeMaire’s Patreon @potatoqualitee

Learn dbatools in a Month of Lunches, by Chrissy LeMaire and Rob Sewell

The Azure DevOps Podcast Ep. 18: “Aaron Palermo on Cybersecurity and SDP”

PowerShell — Join the Slack channel!

Twitter @PowerShellLive

Twitter @psdbatools

Twitter @thelivecoders

Twitch @codephobia


Want to Learn More?

Visit AzureDevOps.Show for show notes and additional episodes.